It's been a while since we've done a Player Spotlight and tonight I'd like to introduce Adam Green. Adam is going to be our General for the Red Dragons team at Nexus - Saturday, June 20th at Skirmish Paintball in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania.
Adam hails from Staten Island New York and works as a heavy equipment mechanic for the NYC Department of Sanitation which should tell you he's not afraid to put in hard work. He started playing back in 2009 and is a seasoned player with over a decade of experience to draw on. He's gained that experience playing at his home field and main sponsor, Cousins Staten Island, along with Lingstown, PSI, On Target and more! He also spends alot of his time at Skirmish, he's even a former German General from thier ION series, and that's one of the biggest experiences he'll be drawing on for leading the Red Dragons into battle.
For his opponents, watch out for his project salvo, it's heavily modded with a high rate of fire and he says it'll "thread a needle"; being one of his favorite markers you'll surely find out. Trash talk aside, Adam says the greatest part of paintball is the people. He says his paintball family has helped him overcome challenges on and off the field. One of those memories was shortly after his wife passed, the Allied Commander from ION made a special custom jersey with her name. He says that's the kind of love in the game that makes him (and all of us really) push their personal limits on the field to the max and what makes it all worth it.
Adam is well-traveled and always tries to play when on vacation, just to scratch the itch. He's even played a few times down in Florida. Regardless of where you play, wether you're a new player or seasoned player Adam's advice is the same, "Get involved with the games, get in on the objectives, you'll be recognized and you'll go far".
Back to Nexus; when we asked Adam what gives him the advantage over other generals he said "I'll be right there on the front lines with my army behind me" while the others are waiting for intel back at thier HQs. If they are looking for him, just listen for the "follow me", it's pre-recorded on his battle scared bullhorn. Adam dropped a few hints on how he's planning on taking down 3 teams at the same time but we won't spoil the surprise. Just like ION and many other big scenario events, the part of Nexus that Adam is looking forward to the most is the camp out the night before with all his "paintball brothers and sisters". If you're wondering why you should pick the Red Dragons and follow Adam onto the field of battle, he's the kind of guy that leads by example. Adam promises to push his teammates to "live thier best moment in that field" and involve you in the intimate details of the game. Be sure to catch Adam at the camping the night before while he gets everybody rallied up for a good time!
With that, we’d like to thank everyone for reading and we hope you join us for the next edition of Spotlight! Be sure to like, comment or share to possibly be selected / featured in a future spotlight!
~Eli Gallibois PFOSA Founder Buffalo Paintball