Tonight we'd like to introduce you to Devon Schwartz in the next edition of Buffalo Paintball's Player Spotlight.
Devon is from Connecticut and works as a refrigeration technician fixing residential appliances. He hopes to expand into commercial work in the future; no doubt to help fund more paintball. Devon first played paintball in 2004 at Hurricane Paintball Park in Palm Bay Florida. He joined his first scenario team, Total Kaos and followed them as they all became Refs as well. Hurricane is one of the most unique fields to have worked for; owned by the city of Palm Bay, while working as a paintball ref this means that Devon was a city employee. These are some of Devon's favorite memories of paintball, he says these where "Great times, good memories".
Devon is a player after my own heart; when we asked him about his local field he couldn't pick just one. He calls Hogan's Alley Paintball in Meriden CT home but he also calls OSG in Barnstead NH home because they treated him like family since his first visit back in 2018. Recently, Devon has added AG Paintball in Weare NH and is looking forward to spending more time there. Devon has also played several other fields including Hogwild and Combat Zone in FL, Matt's Outback in CT and EMR in PA just to name a few.
Devons favorite part of the sport is when he's on the field in the middle of a game and the rush of adrenaline that is so hard to describe hits all while being immersed in the moment. He also loves introducing new players to the game. We asked Devon to pick one specific moment that was the most memorable to him, and this was his heartwarming response: "Doing my first PTW giveaway up at OSG last year, seeing the kids reaction when he got the goods from the box , it was the coolest thing and the other players in the crowd were all into it. It was an awesome moment."
I often say you can tell alot about a player by the marker they choose for the field, his favorite is a reliable Tippmann A5. Like many players, Devon, has an appreciation for the simple side of paintball and just wants to sling paint. His advise for new players is simple, "keep your mask on, be safe, have fun, stay hydrated"
Now for the exciting part of our Interview with Devon; we get to talk to him about his upcoming role as The British General for Bunker Hill. Devon is an experienced force to be reckoned with; this will be his 3rd time as a Commander including General for Red Dead Redemption 2 at OSG in 2019 for the Red Team and General for The Yellow Team Allied Forces at Operation Overlord 2019 at OSG as well. Even with experience in leadership roles, Devon stayed humble when asked what will give him the edge over his opponents he said "Nothing at all. No one paintball player is better than another, no matter the marker or the mask or gear it only takes ONE BALL to get any of us out."
Devon has never played at Liberty Paintball before, he's very excited for that oppurtunity and even more so to be a General on a new battle ground. "It will be a day to remember for sure." Look for Devon leading from the front full of energy and enthusiasm. As a leader on and off the field Devon will always encourage fair play, safe play, and respect for each other (regardless of team).
Devon is really hoping for a great turnout, he's expecting a lot of first time scenario players that are planning on coming out. He says beyond the excitement of the unknown and pre-event hype he's not sure what to except from the Bunker Hill event. "I have never played at Liberty but I have heard of it. I have walked the field and visited but have not had the chance to play. I’m excited to just be going to Liberty it’s a long standing park and has a lot of history."
I say, "fill the old regiments!"
~Eli Gallibois PFOSA Founder Buffalo Paintball